Monday, September 18, 2006

More details on Thialand

It truly is so great here. Thailand is so crazy though. The roads are so unsafe. lets put it this way: there are no speed limits posted, i have not seen one stop sign, they dont stay in there lanes, rarely signal, and to trun on to the road they slowly nudge out and hopefully the cars stop to let them turn onto the road. So Graham and Angie everyone is a jeff farrelly!!
We have a great translator that goes with us everywhere. His name is Wuut. We also have this guy named Brandon who is trying to get us involved with as many of their ministries as he can throughout the next week that we are here for. He started to plan out our week, but now things have changed. We went to the Bangledesh Embassy today and they had to keep our Passports. We were wanting to get all three embassies done today. So now we have to pray that we will have enough time to get them all in before we leave. It is going to be really tight, meaning if it happens it will be a miracle striaght from God.
Recently we had the chance to go to the slums of Bangkok. When i say slums i mean SLUMS! I wasnt too up to going, just because i was tired, but i had to remind myself why i was here. I am so glad that we got invited by Brandon. we got to this lady's house. Her name is Noi. It is rainy season here in Thailand so every night it rains, and it pours. Her house is so run down that it leaks from the ground and ceiling. So everynight her house gets more and more flooded. The rain is very dirty here, and since she lives in the slums - it is built upon a sewage filled river. We got to her house and the whole front is completely flooded. We had to take off our shoes and socks and roll up our pants. As we stepped through the black/greenish water we got to her front door and saw her sitting on the floor. Her house is made entirely of polotical signs and posters. there are random pieces of plywood for a "floor" with water down the middle. the moment i met her my heart broke for her. She is the cutest old lady i have ever met. We were talking with her through a translator. You have never seen anything like this. God definitely gave me a heart for her, actually our whole team fell in love with her. i Showed her pictures of my family, and she loved it and she was so thankful. Incredible.
We got a picture taken with her, so i will post it when i get the chance - hopefully soon. Amy has quite a few other pictures on her blog, so follow the link. we are going to hopefully visit her often whenver we are in Thailand. Actually we are going back tomarrow morning.
Jordan made a thai friend today. we went and got crazy pictures done today and he looked a Jordans shoes and asked if he skateboraded. and right away a ministry has started. He went skateboarding with him today and he asked to do it again. really cool.
So theres a little update. God is soo good and surprising us and blessing us everyday.

thanks for checking my blog and i will update it every chance i get. Thankyou so very much for sponsoring me and supporting me, and continue to support me through prayer. I dont think you know how much it truly does help. Becasue of your willingness to serve Him you are being used to further his kingdom. May God bless all of you.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Reid,
We all had a great laugh about the "Jeff Farrelly" comment. We are happy to hear that you are doing well. You are in our thoughts. We had a temp the other day that was going to be Pastor and we just kept saying where is Reid? We knew you two would have so much in common. We are getting really busy around hear and can't wait to hear more from you. Take care and be safe.

4:19 PM  

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