Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Itinerary and Prayer Requests

Where we will be:
Sept. 12 – Begin traveling
Sept. 14 – Arrive in Thailand
Sept. 24 – Arrive in Myanmar
Oct. 1 – Back in Thailand
Oct. 3 – Arrive in Nepal
Oct. 24 – Back in Thailand
Oct. 25 – Arrive in Bangladesh
Nov. 10 – Back in Thailand
Nov. 12 - Arrive in Indonesia
Nov. 26 – Back in Thailand
Dec. 10 – Begin traveling home

Prayers Please!

· Safety traveling through SE Asia
· Favour with Embassies as we apply for (Visa’s)
· Finances (still raising support for ground fees)
· Unity within our team and the YWAM teams we meet up with
· Opportunities to share gospel in closed countries such as Bangladesh and Myanmar
· That we would be an encouragement to the full time missionaries in each of the countries
· Health for the team as we come in contact with new germs and viruses
· Protection as we enter many spiritually dark locations. Please pray specifically for Bangladesh
· Spiritual growth, that this trip will draw us closer to the Lord and spur us on in our faith journey
· Wisdom to see the needs in each country and accurately portray them to the churches around North America

Monday, August 21, 2006

Farewell party!

Everyone listen up! Thursday August 24, 2006 is your time to say farewell to Reid & Jordan. At 7:00pm the Lambsheads house will be open to everyone who would like to see Reid & Jordan. There will be desserts and drinks served for FREE. But everyone's more than welcome to bring a donation for their trip... Hint, hint. Come out for a great evening of finger foods, fun and laughter! No RSVP needed but if you need directions call 905-331-7110.

Dave McSporran