Itinerary and Prayer Requests
Where we will be:
Sept. 12 – Begin traveling
Sept. 14 – Arrive in Thailand
Sept. 24 – Arrive in Myanmar
Oct. 1 – Back in Thailand
Oct. 3 – Arrive in Nepal
Oct. 24 – Back in Thailand
Oct. 25 – Arrive in Bangladesh
Nov. 10 – Back in Thailand
Nov. 12 - Arrive in Indonesia
Nov. 26 – Back in Thailand
Dec. 10 – Begin traveling home
Prayers Please!
· Safety traveling through SE Asia
· Favour with Embassies as we apply for (Visa’s)
· Finances (still raising support for ground fees)
· Unity within our team and the YWAM teams we meet up with
· Opportunities to share gospel in closed countries such as Bangladesh and Myanmar
· That we would be an encouragement to the full time missionaries in each of the countries
· Health for the team as we come in contact with new germs and viruses
· Protection as we enter many spiritually dark locations. Please pray specifically for Bangladesh
· Spiritual growth, that this trip will draw us closer to the Lord and spur us on in our faith journey
· Wisdom to see the needs in each country and accurately portray them to the churches around North America
Sept. 12 – Begin traveling
Sept. 14 – Arrive in Thailand
Sept. 24 – Arrive in Myanmar

Oct. 1 – Back in Thailand
Oct. 3 – Arrive in Nepal
Oct. 24 – Back in Thailand
Oct. 25 – Arrive in Bangladesh
Nov. 10 – Back in Thailand
Nov. 12 - Arrive in Indonesia
Nov. 26 – Back in Thailand
Dec. 10 – Begin traveling home
Prayers Please!
· Safety traveling through SE Asia
· Favour with Embassies as we apply for (Visa’s)
· Finances (still raising support for ground fees)
· Unity within our team and the YWAM teams we meet up with
· Opportunities to share gospel in closed countries such as Bangladesh and Myanmar
· That we would be an encouragement to the full time missionaries in each of the countries
· Health for the team as we come in contact with new germs and viruses
· Protection as we enter many spiritually dark locations. Please pray specifically for Bangladesh
· Spiritual growth, that this trip will draw us closer to the Lord and spur us on in our faith journey
· Wisdom to see the needs in each country and accurately portray them to the churches around North America