Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Well we finally reached home! It is my third day home - and it is great being back here. Although my body is finding it hard to adjust to the time change. It is currently 4:00am and i cannot sleep! Mainly because I slept until 4:30pm. But other than that and the cold im enjoying every bit of it.

Guys thankyou so much for checking this and for your prayers and supporting us all. I have said this before, but we couldn't have made it through without your prayers, emails, comments, and supporting our parents.

Thankyou so much adn have a Great Merry Christmas!!

Thankyou for making this trip possible



Blogger Rachelle said...

Hey Reid! I got your BLOG sight from someone elses sight, but I can not remember whose it was! But I thought that I would just drop in and say HELLO. This is Rachelle by the way...Breanna's roomate at Briercrest. TTYL :)

2:42 PM  

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