Saturday, December 02, 2006

Into our last week of Thailand/Asia

Well this last week we have been taking some time off for ourselves and expereincing more of Thailand. ALthough, this week coming up we are completely packed, everyday we are going to a new ministry that the Base is invovled with here. We went to this one ministry last week where these women in the slums make christmas cards, and cards throughout the year to keep them out of prostitution. It is such a great ministry, and the cards are very, very good, more so excellent. check out the website:. Tomarrow we are going to see our friend Noi. She was teh woman from teh slums that we met our first time through thailand whose house was being flooded by sewage becasue of the rainy season. Since we have been gone they have fixed up her house and given her a new floor. So it will be grea to see her again. Her husband died during our trip, but she was able to get a ride to the hospital to see him one last time. I think she has become a Christian or very close. We know she prays, and tursts - but not sure if she has made that commitment.

Please be praying for us as we are going into our last week. We are, as i have said, really excited to be coming home soon, and we want to finish our work well here. I look forward to seeing you all soon.


Blogger Miriam said...

hey reid
thanks for your message. i will be seeing you in cport sometime, i'm sureof that. i cant believe you only have a week left! craziness. i cant wait to talk to youa bout what you learned and what God did. too cool. anyways please pray for me out here. i need it. have a good one man. love ya


7:31 AM  

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