Thursday, October 05, 2006


First of i apologize for taking so long to update. we dont have much time here for interent as we did in thailand. myanmar was great. although i have never seen such poverty in my life. beyond words. its so hard to pass the beggars on the streets who look like they are barely staying alive. but we were told not to give any food or money since they purposely break their childrens limbs so that they can carry them around for sypathy, or the children who come up to you and pull on your shirt or hold your hand and ask for food, either are not in need of food at all, or have to give it to their parents or masters, or go and sell the food. it's too bad, cause i know jesus didnt ignore thos people, but i guess its different here and now.
we spent all of our time with a chruch plant in yangon and exploring their ministries. their focus is to reach the youth of myanmar. they are doing such and incredible job. what they are doing is completely illegal. and God continues to bless their minitry. they have many rpograms thorughuot the week that are stepping stones for their sunday services. their main ministry is waht they call english corner. here they teach them how to speak english, with heavy spiritual overtones. what makes this ministry so perfect for this country is that everyone wants to learn english. i went out with a bunch of 26 year olds and sat and talked with them beasue they wanted to practis their english. the youth here dont have any hope. it doesnt surprise me, i would'nt either if i were them and didnt have Christ. from brith they are are aised without happiness. it is a buddhism country which is a fear based religion. on top of all this they all are aware that they probably will never leave the country, and get a horrible job if they are lucky. this is why giving them quality teaching on english gives them a hope for a better job and life possibly within myanmar.
because of this mindset, our minsitry while we were here was to build relationships. this meant so much to them. playing a simple game of ping pong, or playing a song for them from canada, of simply asking questions about them, helped the church that we were with immensly. or job was to plant seeds, and they woudl water them, since we were there for such a short time.
our time spent here was very profitable for us as well as for them. it was sad to leave but we needed to head for nepal.
we have arrived safely in nepal now and these last few days we have spent preparing for the trek, and getting to know our contacts as well as the maui team that has been here for 5 weeks already. we are going with them on a 10 day trek through the Aneperna's. so once again i apologize for the length of time that i will not update for. i will update the chance i get. thankyo so much for your prayers God has been soo good to us, your prayers are working. its such a blessing. i will share more in detail after my trek. sorry for the typo's - its a bad keboard

love you all



Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds sick man
still prayin

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Reid,
We are stilling watching your progress and we are glad your safe. No snow yet! 40 cm dropped in fort Erie the other day. Closed everything down. Weird because there was still leaves on the trees. We are not looking forward to that. Take care and be safe. OH ! Graham is still trying to get Kelly back. He needs prayer's.
Angie and Graham

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are safe. Still watching your progress. Not much change around here. Graham is still trying to get Kelly back. Jeff still drives like a maniac. Problem is that he thinks he doesn't. I guess we're all just bad Take care and we are thinking of you.
Angie and Graham

10:30 AM  

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