Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Ok so as it stands we are not going to make it through thailand with our budgeted money. So if you could pray that we can find some way to extend that money that we do have and to be able to stretch it out as far as we can that would be great! We are all well and healthy, please continue to pray as we are expereincing ministries in Thailand, and for God to use us and for us to accomplish what He wants us to accomplish. Please pray for safety in transportation since they are a little crazy here in driving, and for continued unity within our team.

Thankyou so much for your support. I know i have said this before, but it is so crutial to our team. It humbles me how many of you there are, Thankyou


Sunday, November 26, 2006

INDO done...

ONce again, my apologies. We ended up getting stuck in the Jakarta ariport for one night, they tried kicking us out, but we pretended to be sleeping, haha. but the next day we went to Borneo and then we had one day there where we attempted to have some email time but teh interent was down, adn the next day we left for the villages. So i only got to check my email once and that was two days ago and for only 10 mins. So im sorry.

the villages were nothing short of fantastic. waht more could you ask for: a simple life, you work, come home eat and then sleep. you bathe in the river - some of which you cannot see through, and yuo spend time with your family and friends.

It was great, although bathing in the river i never got used to, but i warmed up to it. the children grabbed our hearts, i jad a favourite his name was Leo - he jsut started walking up beside me one night, and he followed us around, so i brought him in to one of the houses we were visiting. They are so loving. We went to 4 villages, 2 of which had never seen a white person in real life, except for our contact, which is a girl, and so Jordan and i proudly wear the title of first white males in 2 Indonesian villages. Because of this all the children and some adults would stare at you. It didnt matter if you were reading, sleeping, eating, talking, brushing your teeth, or just sitting there, they still were fastinated with you, it was unbelievable. we had a great time with the kids, we played with them, did songs for them and ran a sunday school for them where we acted out David and Goliath. Of course i was Goliath, haha! We also we all able to speak to these village people and went on house visits at night, where we prayed for them, and their families and their jobs. Most of them worked in the rice fields, and extracted rubber from trees. Well all spoke on different topics at church, but they mostly within these villages witch doctors and idolatry is a huge stronghold. So we tried touching on that everytime we talked.

These villages we are all very new Christains, which the YWAM in Borneo started ministry with them. it was such a great expereince.

The Lord protected us in Indo, no wild animal bites, saw some dead snakes, hiked alot through the jungle, and alot of mosquitoes. Although - amy's motorcycle tipped - but she is alright - thank the Lord!

we were able to get a pet dog and named him Duke Jaques Pierre. He was only 2 and a half weeks old.

So we are back in Thailand for two more weeks of ministry underneatht eh YWAM base here. We are really excited to be back here, but missing home more and more and Christmas gets closer and closer. PLease pray for us that we will keep our eyes on our purpose and our hearts.

thanks for your support i will be updateing more often here, most defintely, i promise.

-----Amy has posted alot of pictures check them out

Friday, November 10, 2006

Heading South of the equator

Well, Bangladesh is over and we jsut arrived in Thailand a few hours ago. The Maui Team ended up being completely healthy on the last couple days there. We never got Denguy -- Praise the Lord!! Now it's a couple days in Thailand and then we head to Indonesia. We have a plane ticket booked to Jakarta - but wee need to buy a plane ticket to Borneo. So you guys can be praying for that please! We are getting together with Jord's skate buddy tonight and furthering our minitry with him and his firends!
thankyou soo much for your prayers -- they helped us huge in Bangladesh!

we are all healthy and feeling good - Jord Just is suffering a bit of sick to his bowels (if you know what i mean!)

i will update when we get to Borneo - if we do

Thursday, November 02, 2006


So once again, the apologies. Bangladesh has been good so far, but frusturating. The day we arrived was Ramadan, which is their nothing nwas open for a few days. then Dhaka broke out into riots for about 4 stores stayed closed and all public transportation stopped since they throw bricks and objects at buses. During our first week here we have only have had 2 days of ministry. But what is good, is that the team here from maui is really drianed. They are tired of being here and just want to go home. 5 of them have had or have Dengy fever (which is just as bad, if not worse then malaria), and two of them were the leaders of the team. So the team had no leaders and students had to step it up a bit. Yesturday we (amy jord and i) stayed behind at our house and took the time for prayer. We have felt like we needed direction. Yesturday was our first day back into ministry, and today we went to the slums of Dhaka, and man is this country really hurting, unbelieveable. i have never seen so many naked children in my life. This is not right, yet i feel numb to it. I have been seeing this for a couple months now, and it bothers me that im not bothered by it. you cannot go anywhere in the streets without someone coming up to you with their child, broken leg, or just random children walking the streets begging for money - no paretns, no adults. Yet what can we do...nothing.casue we are not sure if they actually need to money. We have decided to start carrying food around with us and give it to them. I came out of this slum today feeling sooo dirty, children grabbing onto your hands with snot coming out of thier noses, fevers, old ragged clothes, i even saw this little boy with green fluid coming out of his ear! And this is what they live in all day everyday. We went to a day care centre to just hold the children...and i had to just forget about the environment i was in, and hold that child and not let go. It was a great moment.

God has been teaching me a ton, mainly just about my faith, and the sincereity of it. How much am I willing to give up, what i believe, and is my faith just a result of my environment, or is it truly sincere; a faith that holds unswerevingly to the fact that God created this earth, that He made everyone of those children, their eyes, movement in their hands and body, their personality, their soul. That the Bible is a story of God's Love, and absolute desire and passion for mankind, and a relationship with Him. And the demonstration of that passion is sending Jesus Christ to live and die and RISE again. And a faith that believes that not only did Jesus live, was God, and is still God, but also Rose form the dead and now sits with God in Heaven at his right hand to hear our prayers and vouch for us everyday( the reason why we can pray and be in his presence). Being in a muslim dominate population makes that much more harder to believe in what seems so illogical, and unrational - yet the only truth. The Spirtual oppression here is unbelievable. Daily, thoughts of unbelief in God and His power and existance, constantly run through my head. I have been needing to spend more time in His word and prayer in the country. At first i thought it was me thinking these doubts, but i realized of how much the enemy is in this country, and He doesn't want to leave. God has been protecting us, and will continue to.

We have one more week left in Bangladesh and then we head off to Indonesia. Thank you so much for your prayers and support, it helps, it really does. God has been using this time to tst my faith and my loyalty to Him, and i couldn', and wont be abl e to continue to do this without your prayers. Please be praying specifically for the health of our team that the maui team here since it is the peak season for malaria and Dengy fever. And of course patiance, kindness, and love for the people in this country, and rememberance of why we are here. We are having a great time here, and really enjoying our contacts here, and the team. The team really needed us and continuely tell us of how thankful they are for us to be here.

i will try to update before we leave here, thanks again.

Can i leave you guys with one last word? Please take come time to evaluate the sincereity of your faith. Do you truly Believe everything God is, and living out your faith? Is it faith, or is it just beliefs?

Revelation 3:15-16 "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

This is what I am going through and debating in my head recently - are my beliefs my faith, or just without deeds is dead.

Are you willing ... to be a Christian?