Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Well we finally reached home! It is my third day home - and it is great being back here. Although my body is finding it hard to adjust to the time change. It is currently 4:00am and i cannot sleep! Mainly because I slept until 4:30pm. But other than that and the cold im enjoying every bit of it.

Guys thankyou so much for checking this and for your prayers and supporting us all. I have said this before, but we couldn't have made it through without your prayers, emails, comments, and supporting our parents.

Thankyou so much adn have a Great Merry Christmas!!

Thankyou for making this trip possible


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Back in the N.A.

Well we arrived in Honalulu exactly 24 hours after we took off frrom Bangkok. So we experienced the same day on oppostie sides of the world....crazy. We had to force ourselves to stay up until at least 7pm in order to get back on track with the time change. We made it ...barely - and are almost adjusted. So far Amy has been moving into their new base and we have been keeping ourselves busy. It's our week to relax so she has been takeing us to the beachs and what not.

I'm really excited to see you guys and to be home for Christmas.

Home in 4 Days!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Our Last Day

Well it has all come to an end. It's very sad - i must say. We are speaking to the new Maui DTS students tonight, and last night we were prepareing a slideshow of our pictures, and it really was saddening. But all good things have to come to an end here on earth i guess eh?! This morning we went to a church just outside of Bangkok and it was great, we taught the children some Candian children songs, and they taught us some.

We are leaving Bangkok and into the air at 8:30am tomarrow morning. It has been soo amzing here, and i can't wait to come back again sometime in my life. And none of this was possible without you guys and i would like to thank you soo much, seriously.................Thankyou.

I will be home in exactly one week today. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we debrief with the leadership team in Maui and unwind and reflect on our trip - and allow the Lord to continue to to take this time to speak into our lives.

Take Care you guys are try to remember exaclty why we are in the happiest time of the year, and why we have this glorious holiday coming just around the corner.

Merry Christmas and see you soon

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Just a few more days

Well we are officially in our 3rd last full day in Asia. We are so looking forward to see everyone back home. Today we were able to go see Noi. Here floor looks incredible! - Well its a bunch of plywood - but they elevated it by one foot so that the water doesnt get to it. She bought us some Fanta, and Pepsi - her biggest deal was making sure we always refilled our ice. Its a big deal to have ice. Today was our last day to see Noi, we were supposed to see her earlier but our translators werent going until today. It was sad saying bye, she is such a great woman. She is still sturggling with idolatry, but her heart is searching for sure.

A few days ago it was the kings birthday, and we went to a small community outside of Bangkok to celebrate. We got there and they were saying "falong" (whihc means: foreigner). They wanted us to sing them some songs, and play games with them. Well there games were singing songs with actions -- so we got some pretty funny pictures of s doing rediculous actions. We had a good time though. After that the pastor took us on a boat ride, it was really nice, but the water wasn't.

The new Maui DTS teams are arriving tonight! We are giong to meet up with them tomarrow and on Saturday. We are going to spend time with the teams and tell them of our trip, and what they can expect in the countries that they will be giong to. We will also be able to see our contacts again whom we worked with in each of the countries that we went to!

Ministry has been hard to get at - since the Thailand Base is very bust this month, But we have been able to get to some.

Thankyou soooooo much for your prayers, we couldn't have done it without you guys.


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Into our last week of Thailand/Asia

Well this last week we have been taking some time off for ourselves and expereincing more of Thailand. ALthough, this week coming up we are completely packed, everyday we are going to a new ministry that the Base is invovled with here. We went to this one ministry last week where these women in the slums make christmas cards, and cards throughout the year to keep them out of prostitution. It is such a great ministry, and the cards are very, very good, more so excellent. check out the website:. Tomarrow we are going to see our friend Noi. She was teh woman from teh slums that we met our first time through thailand whose house was being flooded by sewage becasue of the rainy season. Since we have been gone they have fixed up her house and given her a new floor. So it will be grea to see her again. Her husband died during our trip, but she was able to get a ride to the hospital to see him one last time. I think she has become a Christian or very close. We know she prays, and tursts - but not sure if she has made that commitment.

Please be praying for us as we are going into our last week. We are, as i have said, really excited to be coming home soon, and we want to finish our work well here. I look forward to seeing you all soon.