Saturday, September 23, 2006

Thailand in Hindsight

As I look back on the last couple of weeks, Thailand was really great. God has been speaking to us, in a way that i have never expereinced before, not becasue of my location, but solely becuase i haven't really offered the time. Yesturday we were able to go to the slums for second time. We saw Noi again and gave ehr a picture of us three. We tehn went and saw all of the children in what they called the school there - barely. We played with them and blew bubbles. As soon as you picked them up, they didn't want you to put them down. It was so great. Amy has posted these pictures on her website. They were so cute. Hearing them laugh as you threw them up in the air, and chased them around. I really enjoyed being there and we will definitely be going back at the end of our trip once we are back in Thailand. Today we hung out with our translator, and some of our friedns that we met here.
What was really cool today was that i met some guys break dancing. Jordan and our trnaslator were hanging out and i felt that God to get up and go somewhere. So I did. I spotted the guitar store and headed that direction. As i was walking towards it, i saw these yougn guiys break dancing. And right away i knew what God wanted me to do. SO reluctantly i i said yes, and jsut went and sat down and watched them. I was there for awhile. They wer pretty good too. I was praying that God would give me and opportunity since it was so hard to go up and introduce myself since i was a foreigner and couldn't speak Thai. And of ocurse God undoubtedly stepped in, and one of the Guys looked over at me and asked me if i break danced. And before I knew it i had these 6 guys sitting in a circle around me and telling them why i was here, and about Canada. i showed them some moves that I remembered form a couple of years ago ( when i break danced) and they loved it. I asked them all of their names and ages. I cant even begin to remember their names, but they were older than i had expected. They were just younger than me. One guy knew english more than the others so he helped me speak to his friends. It was really wired and very cool to see as soon as i sat down they would form a circle around me. they showed me some sutff and i showed them what i remembered, it was awesome. i told them that i was coming back in two months and that i would come and see them again. i cannot wait to do that again. They wanted to show me around Bangkok, they said: "Consider you my friend... and.... anywhere you want to go let me know." Funny eh - they are very bold here.

Well i have to go pack. I will report back in a week


Thursday, September 21, 2006

we are safe!

well there still is military and hummers and i think tanks. Today we went to go get our Myanmar visa which went very well. So we are going to Myanmar on sunday. Today got a little scary though. We heard word that the embassies were open and we knew we had to go. So we went and in the morning we didn't see any military. But in the afternoon we came out of the mall and they were everywhere on the sky trian, on intersections, we saw some hummers - but no tanks. We got a few pictures because everyone was taking them ( amy will post shortly). We were fine and no roits or uproars, just their presence made the situation much more real than i had imagined. We are back out of Bangkok and with our Visa's and don't plan to go back into the city until our plane ride to Myanmar on Sunday. Our parents have been worried to say the least through this all, but to tell you the truth, I enjoy God giving them the opportunity to depend on Him, because that's all they can do. Thankyou so much for your prayers, sincerely. Please continue to pray. God's presence is so real, its incredible what happens when you pray with faith and with people praying for you.
Situations like these makes the Church actually who we are supposed to be, and what we are supposed to do....... it's too bad that it takes horrible events such as these --- what happened?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pleae be praying

This morning we woke up to news about political problems in Thailand. We are safe, and there has not been any guns fired. We are trying to get our visas to Myanmar but all embassies are closed for today and who knows for how long. We are currently going to stay very close to the YWAM base in Thailand. Please continue to pray for us, and that we can get to Myanmar on time.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


i found out that i cannot post pictures on Amy's laptop. I am very sorry, i might be able to download a program, but we will see. For the time being please be checking hers. She just put more on today so check them out. She put a picture of Noi so you can see her.

so sorry


Monday, September 18, 2006

More details on Thialand

It truly is so great here. Thailand is so crazy though. The roads are so unsafe. lets put it this way: there are no speed limits posted, i have not seen one stop sign, they dont stay in there lanes, rarely signal, and to trun on to the road they slowly nudge out and hopefully the cars stop to let them turn onto the road. So Graham and Angie everyone is a jeff farrelly!!
We have a great translator that goes with us everywhere. His name is Wuut. We also have this guy named Brandon who is trying to get us involved with as many of their ministries as he can throughout the next week that we are here for. He started to plan out our week, but now things have changed. We went to the Bangledesh Embassy today and they had to keep our Passports. We were wanting to get all three embassies done today. So now we have to pray that we will have enough time to get them all in before we leave. It is going to be really tight, meaning if it happens it will be a miracle striaght from God.
Recently we had the chance to go to the slums of Bangkok. When i say slums i mean SLUMS! I wasnt too up to going, just because i was tired, but i had to remind myself why i was here. I am so glad that we got invited by Brandon. we got to this lady's house. Her name is Noi. It is rainy season here in Thailand so every night it rains, and it pours. Her house is so run down that it leaks from the ground and ceiling. So everynight her house gets more and more flooded. The rain is very dirty here, and since she lives in the slums - it is built upon a sewage filled river. We got to her house and the whole front is completely flooded. We had to take off our shoes and socks and roll up our pants. As we stepped through the black/greenish water we got to her front door and saw her sitting on the floor. Her house is made entirely of polotical signs and posters. there are random pieces of plywood for a "floor" with water down the middle. the moment i met her my heart broke for her. She is the cutest old lady i have ever met. We were talking with her through a translator. You have never seen anything like this. God definitely gave me a heart for her, actually our whole team fell in love with her. i Showed her pictures of my family, and she loved it and she was so thankful. Incredible.
We got a picture taken with her, so i will post it when i get the chance - hopefully soon. Amy has quite a few other pictures on her blog, so follow the link. we are going to hopefully visit her often whenver we are in Thailand. Actually we are going back tomarrow morning.
Jordan made a thai friend today. we went and got crazy pictures done today and he looked a Jordans shoes and asked if he skateboraded. and right away a ministry has started. He went skateboarding with him today and he asked to do it again. really cool.
So theres a little update. God is soo good and surprising us and blessing us everyday.

thanks for checking my blog and i will update it every chance i get. Thankyou so very much for sponsoring me and supporting me, and continue to support me through prayer. I dont think you know how much it truly does help. Becasue of your willingness to serve Him you are being used to further his kingdom. May God bless all of you.



well i havent had the time t get amy's laptop to the internet cafes, but amy has so check out her blog there is about 40 of them!

love you all

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Amy's Passport

remember to check Amy's blog! please be praying aboout her passport, since it says missionary on it, and if the embassies for myanmar, and bangladesh see it, we wont be allowed in! please continue to pray for no complications.


Thursday, September 14, 2006


So we made it to thailand last night at 1:00am after 27 hours of flying and layovers. we are about twelve hours ahead of toronto time, i think. its so great here. We have had a chance to experience some asian food, and a little bit of Bangkok. We are staying here for about 10 days in the Ywam base here in Thailand. Tomarrow we are going to go through a prayer walk through the temples in Thailand. So if you guys could be praying about that, that would be great! also a prayer request, this maybe be selfish. but dinner wasn't so pleasant tonight, haha - so maybe that we could have an appetite for thai food! I am a little sick, and Jordan's rach on his leg is still healing. Thankyou so much for your prayers. if you have any questions ust email me. I should be checking my email every other day. I will psot pistures shortly!

Love you all


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Good ol' Maui

well after 12 hours of flying Jordan and i got to maui, and met up with Amy!! thanks for the prayers.