Thailand in Hindsight
What was really cool today was that i met some guys break dancing. Jordan and our trnaslator were hanging out and i felt that God to get up and go somewhere. So I did. I spotted the guitar store and headed that direction. As i was walking towards it, i saw these yougn guiys break dancing. And right away i knew what God wanted me to do. SO reluctantly i i said yes, and jsut went and sat down and watched them. I was there for awhile. They wer pretty good too. I was praying that God would give me and opportunity since it was so hard to go up and introduce myself since i was a foreigner and couldn't speak Thai. And of ocurse God undoubtedly stepped in, and one of the Guys looked over at me and asked me if i break danced. And before I knew it i had these 6 guys sitting in a circle around me and telling them why i was here, and about Canada. i showed them some moves that I remembered form a couple of years ago ( when i break danced) and they loved it. I asked them all of their names and ages. I cant even begin to remember their names, but they were older than i had expected. They were just younger than me. One guy knew english more than the others so he helped me speak to his friends. It was really wired and very cool to see as soon as i sat down they would form a circle around me. they showed me some sutff and i showed them what i remembered, it was awesome. i told them that i was coming back in two months and that i would come and see them again. i cannot wait to do that again. They wanted to show me around Bangkok, they said: "Consider you my friend... and.... anywhere you want to go let me know." Funny eh - they are very bold here.
Well i have to go pack. I will report back in a week