Nepal so far
well as i said the first few days were spent on getting to know our contacts and the team that that has been here for some time now, as well as getting the necessities for the trek we went on. Our goal for being in nepal is to find new, and improve ministries here, and gather info, so that the students can bring home a panphlet in order to come back with their own group from their church to serve these nations. Also, our goal is to be a refreshment for the ywam teams in these nations. We started our trek, and you could tell that alot fo the were worn out and ready to go home, and sick of being around the same people 24/7. So, the trek was very productive in terms of encourageing the team. Many of them said that they were very glad to see us and to talk with us, they said they really needed it. In terms of finding ministry, and doing ministry for nepal, the trek wasnt what we expected it to be. It was great to see to be able to reach the Anapurna Base Camp, but we wewre under the impression that we were going to be ministering to the viollages in the mountians, which we did not do. But going on the trek with teh maui team was not useless. Amy became a leader for the team since their leaders had to stay back on part of the trek since one of them thought she had appendicitise. So the team felt abandoned and without leaders, and was very glad that Amy was there - especially amy. So the trek was an incredible expereince, and God used us all throughout it.
So now were are back in Kathmandu and have one more week to gather info about the ministries in Nepal. we went to a Bible college a couple of days ago. This was very beneficial. We foud out ther needs and what furutre teams could do. We are going to visit an orphanage here in kathmandu tomarrow as well as the other ministries that our contact has planned for us.
Amy is alittle sick, but doing good. Jordan is also good. We are having a blast here. We have also been able to do some street evangalism. People are so open and willing to stop there day and talk to you. Its so different here in that aspect than in North America. It is much easier here. People are so interested and willing to listen. People want Bibles, and will read it.
Thankyou so much once again for your prayers and support. We need it, and appreciate it. i will update once more before we leave Nepal if i get the chance. Amy should be updateing pictures shortly.
So now were are back in Kathmandu and have one more week to gather info about the ministries in Nepal. we went to a Bible college a couple of days ago. This was very beneficial. We foud out ther needs and what furutre teams could do. We are going to visit an orphanage here in kathmandu tomarrow as well as the other ministries that our contact has planned for us.
Amy is alittle sick, but doing good. Jordan is also good. We are having a blast here. We have also been able to do some street evangalism. People are so open and willing to stop there day and talk to you. Its so different here in that aspect than in North America. It is much easier here. People are so interested and willing to listen. People want Bibles, and will read it.
Thankyou so much once again for your prayers and support. We need it, and appreciate it. i will update once more before we leave Nepal if i get the chance. Amy should be updateing pictures shortly.